Neuropsychological Testing For Accommodations in NYC

Empower yourself with the accommodations you need to succeed.

Neuropsychological Testing for Accommodations on Standardized Tests

Many clients require extra time on standardized tests due to ADHD, learning disabilities, emotional difficulties, or other cognitive impairments. Our psychologists have in-depth knowledge of the neuropsychological test requirements that each Board demands. It’s imperative that the testing, documentation, and communication of findings meet the Board’s standards for the SAT, LSAT, ACT, etc. Each evaluation is accompanied by an extensive neuropsychological report which summarizes the findings in comprehensive, yet understandable language that delineates the suggested accommodation (e.g., extended time). The report also offers suggestions to optimize academic learning and test performance. Our psychologist ensures the evaluation is comprehensive and clearly communicates the results. We understand most clients need a rapid turnaround time so we typically provide the documentation within two weeks of the evaluation.

Students hand holding pencil writing selected choice on answer sheets and Mathematics question sheets. students testing doing examination. school exam

Types of Conditions for Testing Accommodations

There are various diagnoses that can result from a neuropsychological evaluation. Some examples of conditions that are identified during testing include:


ADHD is a processing disorder that involves difficulty paying attention, overstimulation, and impulsiveness.


People with dyslexia have difficulty seeing letters in their correct orientation. The symbols appear backward or out of order, making reading very difficult.


Dyscalculia is a learning disability that impairs a person’s ability to understand and perform math calculations.


The difficulty of writing, manifested in poor spelling or handwriting, is classified as a neurological condition called dysgraphia. This condition is often caused by issues with motor skills.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects sensory processing, social capabilities, and ways of thinking.

Auditory Processing Disorder

An auditory processing disorder is caused by how the central nervous system interprets auditory signals. This is not to be confused with hearing loss, which has to do with the physical capability to hear. It can cause difficulty hearing in noisy environments and deciphering sounds.

Language Processing Disorder

Language processing disorders impact the ability to comprehend the meaning of words, causing difficulty with following spoken directions, vocabulary, communication, reading, and writing.

Shot of a young businessman looking stressed out while working in an office

Signs you may qualify for accommodations

An underlying neuropsychological condition may cause issues with the ability to perform daily tasks. Some common difficulties include:

  • Prolonged work time: ADHD and dyslexia can cause an individual to take longer when completing homework, projects, tests, and reading assignments. 
  • Disorganization and poor time management: Conditions that change the way the brain works, such as ADHD and autism, may result in difficulty compartmentalizing priorities and switching between tasks. 
  • Lack of focus: A variety of disorders impact the ability to focus. Whether it is an innate difficulty in paying attention or a side effect of struggling with auditory processing or reading, it can greatly affect the quality of performance. 
  • Difficulty following directions: Those with autism, ADHD, auditory processing disorders, and language processing disorders tend to have difficulty following verbal instructions. Written instructions are difficult for those with dyslexia and dyscalculia, and often for those with language processing disorders. 
  • Problems with reading or writing: Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and language processing disorders can result in difficulties with reading and writing. 
  • Difficulty processing spoken words: Processing disorders make communication difficult. It may take longer to understand a person’s point or follow along with a story.
  • Easily overwhelmed: To cope with a ADHD, Autism, or a learning disorder often means working twice as hard to achieve the same outcome as everyone else. This can be exhausting and may result in stress and overwhelm when initiating tasks.

Benefits of a Neuropsychological Evaluation

A neuropsychological assessment provides an accurate diagnosis of conditions including ADHD, LD (learning disability), and autism. Many who struggle with school or work may think there is some inherent flaw they have, or that they aren’t trying hard enough. An accurate diagnosis can distinguish between a lack of motivation in certain subject areas versus a learning disorder that needs attention and accommodation.

Accurate Diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis brings an individual a greater understanding of self. Learning about how one’s own mind works can be a powerful tool in implementing changes that will make life easier.

Treatment Guidance

Once an accurate diagnosis has been given, an individual can move forward with developing coping skills for their condition, and, if applicable, seeking treatment. Processing disorders can be improved with speech and language therapy, and ADHD can be treated with behavior therapy and medication. Diagnoses of dyslexia and dyscalculia provide support for special tutoring accommodations.

Testing Accommodations for Standardized Testing

Standardized testing, such as the MCAT, LSAT, SAT, and ACT, are important examinations that can influence an individual’s future. Students with ADHD or a learning disorder can benefit from testing accommodations. A professional diagnosis is necessary for an individual to get extra testing time or other accommodations on standardized exams.

ACT test accommodations, SAT accommodations, and other standardized test processes are required by exam boards to provide students with the necessary means for success. The following accommodations may be given based on disability: 

  • Extended exam time
  • Private exam rooms
  • Reading assistant or word processor
  • Oral exam options
  • Spelling or grammar assistive devices
  • Calculator use
  • Special test preparation

How to Get Neuropsychological Testing for Accommodations

Scheduling Testing

After contacting our psychologists, we schedule a neuropsychological evaluation that works with your schedule. 

Neuropsychological Evaluation

The evaluation takes place, using a variety of methods that are designed to gain an insight into a person’s learning and thought process. If applicable, we will also speak to the parent(s) to discuss behaviors in early childhood. 

Feedback of Results

After a thorough assessment, our team of psychologists examines the results of testing and decides if any diagnoses can be made based on the criteria. We will get in touch with you with test results and provide an in-depth report and feedback including recommendations. 

Testing 3

Testing or People of All Ages

A young businesswoman sitting with her head in her hands
Neuropsychological Testing for Adults

Adults often find themselves stressed by the demands placed on them, and testing accommodations can help. Many adults can go decades into their post-grad life without realizing they had a learning disability. While adults who have finished their education may not need testing accommodations, the knowledge of how their minds work can be tremendously beneficial. 

Adults may also ask for accommodations at work, such as the ability to wear headphones or have a private space for conference calls. It is never too late to benefit from neuropsychological testing in adulthood.

Neuropsychological Testing for Teens

College admission tests are a pivotal moment in a teenager’s life. They should be equipped with all the tools necessary to get into the college of their choice, and this often involves testing accommodations. Accommodations for dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning difficulties can be a lifesaver for struggling teens who are finding their curriculum harder and harder to understand.

Neuropsychological Testing for Children

It’s important for children to be diagnosed properly so they can receive the accommodations they deserve. Struggling in school and not understanding why can negatively impact a child’s self esteem. 

Our neuropsychological testing involves assessments to decipher how a child learns and engages with their surroundings. Verbal and visual response tests determine how a child interprets information, and they are often encouraged to narrate their thinking process out loud.

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Get Neuropsychological Testing for Accommodations in NYC

Receive neuropsychological testing for a wide array of conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Accommodations Legally Required?

Yes, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that individuals with disabilities be given ample opportunity to succeed via appropriate accommodations.

How Much Does a Neuropsychological Evaluation Cost?

Neuropsychological testing requires significant resources and expertise, resulting in a cost that reflects those investments. Our office will explain all the details of your insurance coverage and go over any out of pocket costs you may incur.